Bradley Wester

BERLIN: The In-Between Place of Contemporary Art

Read my recently published article on Berlin in Pulse-Berlin. (Click below) After living there for the summer, this article compares Berlin to New York of the late 70’s and early 80’s and talks about the state of contemporary art:

My Summer in Berlin
The In-Between Place of Contemporary Art and Politics from a New York Artist’s Point of View
by Bradley Wester

Pulse is an open community interested in creative interdisciplinary and intercultural communication.The journal is created twice a year in Berlin, Germany, printed cumulatively every three issues, and gifted to bookshops, museums, reading rooms, and other exciting places internationally. Because Pulse is also an art object, with original illustrations and artwork, the print run is always a limited edition. Half of the printed version is numbered and given to contributors and collaborators. Many of the articles and interviews in Pulse Berlin are available in both English and German online. Everything about Pulse is given freely: each issue is created by a flexible and freelance group of writers, translators and editors who work in various cities around the world. Other articles and issues HERE.